Welcome Registration Venue Travel support Program Accommodation Contact


Welcome to the 6th and Final Hackathon of the nextGEMS Project

It is time for the final NextGEMS hackathon. The Stockholm hackathon (aka The final countdown) will offer opportunities to share and learn about highlights from the project themes thus far, to plan for and hack towards the final deliverables of the project with your theme members, to delve into renewable energy challenge problems, and to look forward into the future at collaborations and projects beyond NextGEMS. Focus is on hacking!

The challenge problem for this hackathon will center around renewable energy applications and explore how these can be enhanced using the high-resolution capabilities of nextGEMS simulations.

The final nextGEMS hackathon will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, from Tuesday, March 25th to Friday, March 28th, 2025.

We look forward to your participation!


If you would like to participate, please register on the registration website .

Travel Support
During the registration process, you will also have the opportunity to apply for travel support. Students who have been invited to join the Renewable Energy Challenge should also apply for travel support during registration.

Registration Fee
The registration fee is 1,000 SEK (excluding VAT) and must be paid during the registration process.

What’s Included
Your registration fee includes coffee breaks, lunches, one ice breaker event, and one dinner.

Important Deadline
Registration is open until February 14th, 2025.


The event will take place in Stockholm at the the Swedish Museum of Natural History .

Public transport

  • Red line (subway); station “Universitetet”
  • Bus lines 50 or 540; stop “Naturhistoriska riksmuseet”

Travel support

As for the previous hackathons, nextGEMS again offers travel support for up to 15 early career researchers. Click -> here for more details on what is covered and how to apply.


The Hackathon will run from Tuesday afternoon, March 25, to Friday lunchtime, March 28, 2025.

Please find a preliminary agenda with some details below. Please note that some times might still change.

Tuesday, 25. March

  • 2pm Fika (Coffee break) and registration
  • 3pm Intro session
    • welcome, hackathon overview (Frida, Thorsten)
    • each theme presents highlights, and open questions (theme leaders)
    • find your group (S&R, S&L, S&O, RE, S&S)
  • 5pm Close
  • Ice breaker @ MISU, including micro poster session 🙂

Wednesday, 26. March

  • 9am Fika
  • Hacking
  • 12pm Lunch
  • Hacking
  • 3pm Fika
  • 4–5pm Keynote talk (title and speaker tba)
  • 5pm Close

Thursday, 27. March

  • 9 am Fika
  • 9.30 Morning updates (1 highlight per group from day 1, max 2 min — with poll and price for the winning contribution)
  • Hacking
  • 12pm Lunch
  • Hacking
  • 3pm Fika
  • Hacking
  • 5pm Close

Friday, 28. March

  • 9am Fika
  • 9.30am Closing session
    • all groups present how they addressed their defined open questions (see Tuesday session) (S&R, S&L, S&O, RE, S&S)
    • Beyond NextGEMS incl global hackathon (Irina, Bjorn)
    • Thank you and goodbye
  • 12pm Close, small lunch to go or stay


Stockholm offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit various preferences. You are welcome to choose and book a stay at your preferred location. However, we have pre-reserved rooms across three hotels in Stockholm.

Map with the hotels listed below

Crystal Plaza Hotel

Thon Partner Hotel Kungsbron

Hotel Lilla Rådmannen